Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Anyone who has studied in Delft knows the tall red building of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science. It's a big red thin slab that seems to create a local weather system of itself. Failure to brace for impact can get you knocked to the ground by what almost seems like a very local hurricane..
Anyone who's been the unfortunate victim of this has no doubt thought how all that energy could be put to good use, maybe by bolting some wind turbines to the building.

Finally someone has put this idea to practice, albeit not in Delft.
The Strata building (by Brookfield Europe) has been specifically designed to put all this energy to good use. The big integrated turbines will create an expected 50MWh of energy:

link: http://www.inhabitat.com/2010/03/15/the-strata-worlds-first-skyscraper-with-built-in-wind-turbines/

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Honda 3R-C

The Geneva Autoshow started yesterday and besides the storm of electric concepts (and weird cars that Geneva is also famous for) there was also this Honda 3R-C. Not sure if this is the solution (actually sure it's not), but interesting to see that you see more and more exlorations what can be between a scooter and a car. check the story here.